Thought Dump #4

In philosophy, it is a rare answer that is more useful than the question which prompted it.

Hope is the present stealing happiness from the future. Fear is the future stealing happiness from the present. Regret is the past stealing happiness from both the present and future.

If a lot of people believe something, it’s generally considered true. Governments draw legitimacy from majority consensus rather than the Grace of God. Some atheists sincerely believe life is meaningful because space is really, really big.

Everyone is equally selfish. People who are said to be selfless just have a larger conception of the self. [ . . . ]

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Thought Dump #3

We often cling to the spirit for no other reason than to avoid the rigours of the letter. Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays? Sounds hard! A lot easier to pretend that the real meaning of fasting is just to think nice thoughts.

Western civilization is already dead. All the problems it now seems to be facing—diversity, the refugee crisis, demographic implosion, etc.—are but the flies and beetles feeding on its corpse.

You can tell if a woman is slutty or not from her attitude towards wasting food. [ . . . ] 

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Thought Dump #2

In an age of total spiritual collapse, “clean your room” starts to sound like profound, life-giving wisdom.

The hymen is Nature’s freshness seal.

How to tell if you’re good looking or charming: do you catch flack on the Internet for saying things you routinely get away with in real life?

The poor distinguish themselves by ostentation, the rich by thrift. [ . . . ]

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Thought Dump

You’re more likely to regret doing things you wanted to do than things you didn’t want to do.

Monarchy, in which the franchise is limited to one person, is the most efficient form of democracy.

If “so, what do you do?” weren’t the most common question asked by strangers, people would choose their careers differently. [ . . . ]

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Sundry Thoughts

The sensation of making progress is the fulcrum of sanity.

In academia, “critical thinking” means adopting the conclusions of your leftist professors. Then you are a critical thinker.

“Critical thinking”: the ability to turn Nietzsche into a misunderstood thinker who secretly believed everything that just happens to be currently in vogue. [ . . . ]

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